BY USING OUR SERVICES YOU AUTOMATICALLY AGREE TO OUR PPIVACY POLICY We get your email (website/sellsn) & IP address + some hardware serial numbers (keyauth) All data is protected by trusted 3rd parties (sellsn & keyauth) How we use your information: To provide you with the services. We use your information to give you access to the product and maintain security. For example, when you log in to a product loader we will check if your hardware serials and IP address match the ones you used before. To contact you. We use your information to contact you incase of disputes or other similiar reasons. We may also use your information to contact you to send you information about products you have purchased. How we disclose information: In an emergency. We may disclose information if we believe in good faith that it's necessary. To enforce our policies and rights. We may disclose information if needed to enforce our Terms of Service or any of our other policies, or to protect the rights, property, and safety of ourselves and others.
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